Case Study

Client: One of the World’s Largest Social Media Companies



Complete Salesforce Team Including UX/UI Design, Technical Architecture, Systems Design and Senior Developers.


Needing the ability to scale a very complex manual recruitment and on-boarding process in support of the client’s growth target of doubling staff as fast as possible. Required data inputs and outputs spread across numerous distributed systems.


Salesforce platform solution including significant array of email and SMS / text message notifications, all built within Salesforce Communities (now called Experience Cloud). User management and access control included 7 user personas. Extensive analytics feeds integrated with the client’s OLAP / BI platform. System UX/UI performance designed to support thousands of concurrent users. Developed solution was completely Salesforce upgrade-friendly due to minimal Salesforce customizations to the core SaaS platform.


After business requirements gathering and data design, successfully launched a Salesforce Communities (Experience Cloud) internal Beta in under 4 months. The live-data pilot, including numerous data-feeds, launching in 6 months. Full global rollout in approximately 9 months.